What is physiotherapy?

According to CSP, Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. Physiotherapy is a method that focus to maintain and optimise the physical strength, to improve functional activities and to restore movement and well-being.

According to Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Physiotherapists have a detailed understanding of how the body works and are university educated and trained to assess and improve movement and function and relieve pain. Physiotherapists promote good health by encouraging their patients to improve and increase their independence.

Physiotherapy extends from health promotion to:
  • Hospitals (critical care, intensive care, inpatient facilities)
  • Outpatient clinics
  • Homes, Hospices, Community based places
  • Education and research centres
  • Fitness centres
  • Physiotherapy focus on 5 to 6 elements of client management such as: Examination, Evaluation, (Diagnosis), Prognosis, Intervention and Outcomes.

What physiotherapists do?

Physiotherapists consider the body as a whole, rather than just focusing on the individual aspects of an injury or illness.

Some of the main approaches used by physiotherapists include:

  • Education and advice – physiotherapists can give general advice about things that can affect your daily lives, such as posture and correct lifting or carrying techniques to help prevent injuries
  • Movement, tailored exercise and physical activity advice – exercises may be recommended to improve your general health and mobility, and to strengthen specific parts of your body
  • Manual therapy – where the physiotherapist uses their hands to help relieve pain and stiffness, and to encourage better movement of the body

Other techniques may sometimes be used, such as hydrotherapy/aquatic therapy, Acupuncture or TENS /transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation/.

If you need physiotherapy, a number of different options are available to you.

You can see a physiotherapist:

  • by getting a referral from a doctor
  • by contacting a physiotherapist directly
  • at some GP surgeries
  • NHS physiotherapist
  • Private physiotherapist

Physiotherapy can apply in some of the major following areas such as: Respiratory conditions, Cardio-vascular conditions, MSK conditions, Neurological conditions and Orthopaedic conditions.

In our clinic the main focus is on

  • Neuro conditions such as:  Stoke, MS, Parkinson, Cerebral Palsy
  •  Sciatica and lower back problems
  •  Shoulder, knee and ankle pain and issues
  •  Rehab after hip and knee replacement
  •  Balance and coordination issues

The above topics are only for reference. If your condition or concern are not listed, please contact us for further discussion.